Documentation of Pixy Newspaper 11

Pixy Newspaper 11 Blogger template

Pixy Newspaper 11 Documentation with each step explained in detail Easy installation without any trouble follow below documentation and install this pretty professional template. The widgets gadgets images have been attached properly where red tic mark for better understanding easily
We hope this might help you! Here is a detailed Documentation of Pixy Newspaper 11 Blogger - Template 
Read Carefully to Install all Gadgets on Your Website 

1. How to Change FontAwesome Icons in Templates?

Get FontAwesome Icons Short Codes Visit Here. All the ShortCodes of Icons you can copy and use in below Link Boxes like Example : <i class="far fa-arrow-alt-circle-down"></i> Example:

2. Admin Control Panel:

To edit or handle the blog posts, comments system, no. of posts, fixed menu, Facebook SDK plugin, etc. These Options Can be Controlled from Layout in Blogger Dashboard.

2.1). Facebook SDK (Plugin):

Here you can use this gadget to install the Facebook comment box and Facebook page in the sidebar. For More Click Here.
Example of Facebook:

Note: Below in details, all important steps provided for setup Facebook Comments System/Facebook Page on sidebar

2.2). Default Variables/Comments:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Default Variables gadget.

Here you can set DisqusShortname, and change your blog CommentSystem we Support 3 Comments Plugin Facebook, Disqus, Blogger
Example to set Disqus Comment box:

Use below shortcut code: commentsSystem = facebook or disqus or blogger
disqusShortname = pikitemplates
noThumb = image url

You can use Disqus comment box a optional feature of our template, Just go to create account after that tap on Get Started and follow "I Want to install Disqus on my Site" as shown in above image how to setup shortname for disqus. That's done just change blogger comment system and use disqus comments pluign easily Example of Disqus Comment:
Note: Many Users Facing Problem adding Disqus Comment Box make sure you have added website link and created profile short name in Disqus.

2.3). Related Posts/ Show Texts:

 Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Related Posts/ Email text gadget. Example:

Here you can set show more text and related posts title also you can set many related posts easily without any trouble. To change load more text edit and change from here above link list option listed. 

Example of Related Posts:
Use below shortcut code: relatedPostsText = You May Like These Posts - you change Related Posts title
relatedPostsNum = 3 - you can set number of Related Posts
loadMorePosts = Load More - you can change Load More Homepage button text
Example of Load More text:

Note: Use only Lowercase(small letters) letter in shortcode as display in above image.

2.4). Lazy Scrolls/ More Text:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Lazy Scrolls/ More Text gadget. Example:

Here you can set Sticky Sidebar and Sticky Menu easily by giving value true or false. as shown in the above image. Use below shortcut code: fixedSidebar = true or false - you change sticky sidebar fixed to scrolled
fixedMenu = true or false - you change sticky menu fixed to scrolled
showMoreText = Show More - you can easily change Show More text in Featured Posts
Note: Use only Lowercase(small letters) letter in shortcode as display in above image.

3. Top Main Menu:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Top Main Menu (section) gadget. Example:

All the Top main menu items are easy to edit and manage from layout as shown in above image to you understand properly, remeber to use correct format as ahown in above image
Note: All the Shortcut Codes already installed and provided with template .

4. Top Social Media:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Top Social Media (section) gadget. Example:

All the Top Social Media items are easy to edit and manage from layout as shown in above image to you understand properly, remeber to use correct format as ahown in above image
Note: All the Shortcut Codes already installed and provided with template.
4.1). Supported Social Media icons: Social Media icons shortcode = facebook - whatsapp - instagram - pinterest - blogger - reddit - youtube - twitter - linkedin - blogger - google - apple - microsoft - facebook-f - rss - behance - stack-overflow - telegram - tumblr - dribbble - codepen - snapchat - email - github - stumbleupon - vk
Note: here in href replace with your own link of your social media links on your template

5. Main Logo:

 Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Main Logo (Header) gadget. Example:

Here you can change your blog main logo click on upload option to use your new logo, and try to compress your logo (there're various online image png compression tools available) compression can help you to boost up your website speed.

For Dark Logo: You can upload dark logo easily, first of all upload dark image in post and copy img source link and then paste in link box as shown in above image.
Note: You can also use optional Dark Logo in Link Box just paste the logo image url.

6. Main Menu:

Open Layout > then Click on Edit Icon > in the Main Menu gadget. Example:

All the main menu items are easy to edit and manage from layout as shown in above image to you understand properly, remeber to use correct format as ahown in above image also you can insert FontAwesome icons here just refer above - How to use FontAwesome icons section . What are Labels in Blogger?
6.1). Use below shortcut code: Default Menu Example = Featured - for simple menu list
Sub-Menu Example = _Level 1 - just add 1 underscore before title
Double Sub-Menu Example = __Level 2 - just add 2 underscore before title

Note: Use single (_) underscore for sub menu and double underscrore (__) for double sub menu.
6.2). How to setup Mega Menu in Blogger? For recent posts = megamenu/recent - this shortcode shows recent posts
For random posts = megamenu/random - this shortcode shows random posts
For specific label = megamenu/Your Label - this shortcode shows custom label posts
Note: Use the correct shortocde as shown in above image, Use lable name same exact as in posts either in Lowercase or Uppercase.

7. Breaking Posts:

7.1). With the help Popular Posts gadget Breaking Posts displayed

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Breaking Posts (section) gadget. Example:

You can use custom HTML/Javascript Gadget to show breaking posts with label.

7.2). Breaking Post Gadget with Js where you can insert label

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Breaking Posts (section) gadget. Example:

Here you can use this section to display Responsive Feature with both label and Recent Shortcut Code
Note: All the Shortcut Codes already installed and provided with template .
7.3). How to setup Featured Post Shortcode? For recent posts = 6/trending/recent - this shortcode shows recent posts
For random posts = 6/trending/random - this shortcode shows random posts
For specific label = 6/trending/Your Label - this shortcode shows custom label posts
Note: Use the correct shortocde as shown in above image, Use lable name same exact as in posts either in Lowercase or Uppercase.

8. Featured Posts:

8.1). With the help Popular Posts gadget Featured Posts displayed

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Featured Posts (section) gadget. Example:

Remember to set at least 5 posts in Popular Posts Gadget to show completely on the homepage

8.2). Featured Post Gadget with Js where you can insert label

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Featured Posts (section) gadget. Example:

Here you can use this section to display Responsive Feature with both label and Recent Shortcut Code
Note: All the Shortcut Codes already installed and provided with template .
8.3). How to setup Featured Post Shortcode? For recent posts = featured/recent - this shortcode shows recent posts
For random posts = featured/random - this shortcode shows random posts
For specific label = featured/Your Label - this shortcode shows custom label posts
Note: Use the correct shortocde as shown in above image, Use lable name same exact as in posts either in Lowercase or Uppercase.

9. Pixy Featured Posts Section:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Pixy Featured Posts Section gadget. Example:

Here you can use this section to display Responsive Feature with both label and Recent Shortcut Code
Note: All the Shortcut Codes already installed and provided with template .
9.1). How to setup Featured Post Shortcode? For recent posts = 6/grid1/recent - this shortcode shows recent posts
For random posts = 6/grid1/random - this shortcode shows random posts
For specific label = 6/grid1/Your Label - this shortcode shows custom label posts
Note: Use the correct shortocde as shown in above image, Use lable name same exact as in posts either in Lowercase or Uppercase.
9.2). Supported All Featured Post Shortcodes For Grid-1 Posts Section = 6/grid1/recent - this shortcode shows Grid-1 posts.
Example For Grid-1:

For Grid-2 Posts Section = 6/grid2/recent - this shortcode shows Grid-2 posts.
Example For Grid-2:

For Block-1 Posts Section = block1/recent - this shortcode shows Block-1 posts.
Example For Block-1:

For Block-2 Posts Section = 6/block2/recent - this shortcode shows Block-2 posts.
Example For Block-2:

For Video Posts Section = 6/video/recent - this shortcode shows Video posts.
Example For Video:

For Lists Posts Section = 6/list1/recent - this shortcode shows Lists posts.
Example For Lists:

For Left Posts Section = 6/col-left/recent - this shortcode shows Left posts.
For Right Posts Section = 6/col-right/recent - this shortcode shows Right posts.
Example For Left/Right:

Note: You can use /random, /recent /Your Label as you want to show posts on your website.

10. Main Recent Posts:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Main Recent Posts (section) gadget. Example:

Main Recent Posts section with all editable options are specified in an above image like show author profile and adjust in feeds ads. You can easily edit and change from here
Note: Once your Adsense account approved you can show ads between posts, also manual ads can be place

11. Inside Posts Ads:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Top / Bottom Posts Ad (section) gadget. Example:

Here you can use this gadget to implement your ads in your posts section only. This section shows in posts top and bottom area as per your requirements Also below you can the Shortcode to show ad in a specific area of the post paragraph so that on invalid click activity you can just turn off this Posts Top Ads section and all ads from inside posts automatically turned off
Note: Top/Bottom Posts Ads Gadget helps to show ads at top and bottom of page

12. Post Paragraph Ads :

Open Post > then Choose area in Post > and paste ShortCode. Example:
12.1). Use below shortcut code: Top Posts ads shortcode = (ads1) - this shortcode can be used to shows ads in specific place in post
Bottom Posts ads shortcode = (ads2) - this shortcode can be used to shows ads in specific place in post
Note: Remember to put ads code into Layout in Top/Bottom Ads code Section Gadget.

13. Post-Author Social icons:

Open Blogger Setting > then Choose Edit Blogger Profile > and paste ShortCode. Example:

You can create this Blogger Profile easily by follwoing below steps that we provide here, Go to Blogger Click on Setting then at last click on edit profile put the code that we provide below Example:

After editing, Blogger Author Profile Copy the code that we provide and paste in your blogger profile and replace social media links with your own pages links that you want to use. Example:
13.1). Use below shortcut code: For Social Media icons = <a href="">instagram</a> - this shortcode can be used to shows social media icons under your profile
Add this Short code : Hello this is Jane Doe, I am Web Designer and Expert at Piki Templates<a href="">facebook</a><a href="">twitter</a><a href="">youtube</a><a href="">instagram</a><a href="">external-link</a> 13.2). Supported Social Media icons: Social Media icons shortcode = facebook - whatsapp - instagram - pinterest - blogger - reddit - youtube - twitter - linkedin - blogger - google - apple - microsoft - facebook-f - rss - behance - stack-overflow - telegram - tumblr - dribbble - codepen - snapchat - email - github - stumbleupon - vk
Note: here in href replace with your own link of your social media links on your template

14. Facebook Page Plugin:

Open Layout > then click on Add a Gadget HTML/Javascript  > in Sidebar Section. Add this Short code : <div class="fb-page" data-href="YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE URL" data-width="500" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div>
Remember: This Facebook plugin works only for both Facebook Page and Facebook Comment Box  you have to Installed below facebook SDK code in the admin section follow below steps provided here
Note: here in data-href Replace with your own link of your facebook page so install Facebook page on your template

15. Facebook Comment Plugin:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon   > in Facebook SDK (Plugin)  > in Admin Section. Example:

here you can add Facebook SDK Code to Show Facebook Comments inTemplate Also Turn of Facebook Comment System From DefaultVariables as shown in First Admin Section at top ofdocumentation. Copy Code from below box and paste in AdminSection of Facebook Plugin gadget. Facebook SDK en_US :
Note: Only this SDK Code Shows both facebook page in sidebar and facebook comment box as you want to set on your blog

16. Sidebar Section:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Social Widget (section) gadget. Example:

Here you can add a social media link in your sidebar by using shortcut code in LinkList Gadget as shown in the above image 16.1). Supported Social Media icons: Social Media icons shortcode = facebook - whatsapp - instagram - pinterest - blogger - reddit - youtube - twitter - linkedin - blogger - google - apple - microsoft - facebook-f - rss - behance - stack-overflow - telegram - tumblr - dribbble - codepen - snapchat - email - github - stumbleupon - vk
Social Icons: This template support various social icons you can use as per your requirement, use only Lowercase characters.

17. Custom Subscription Box:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Follow by Email gadget. Example:

Here you can use this section to display Custom Subscription Email Box easily with Thrid Party Platforms like Brevo, Mailchimp. Just paste your subscription form link and done. You can also change title and caption easily with shortcode.

17.1). Custom Shortcode for Title and Caption:

Custom Subscription Box shortcode = (sibForm)
SendinBlue Title Text shortcode = #title=(Follow by Email)
SendinBlue Caption Text shortcode = #caption=(Get Notified About Next Update Direct to Your inbox)
Use title and caption shortcode only if you want to modify the text and caption otherwise by default you have no need to use above title, caption shortcode code.

17.2). How to Create Custom Subscription Form Link:

To Create a Custom Subscription Form Link follow steps in below article. Kindly visit above article to know more about, creating a custom subscription form link.
Note: Remember to replace our default demo subscription link with your own subscription link.

18. Sidebar Posts Section:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Most Loved Section gadget. Example:

Here you can use this section to display Responsive Mega Grid Posts with  both label and Recent Shortcut Code 18.1). Use below shortcut code: For recent posts = 4/sidebar/recent - this shortcode shows recent posts
For random posts = 4/sidebar/random - this shortcode shows random posts
For specific label = 4/sidebar/Your Label - this shortcode shows custom label posts
Note: Use the correct shortocde as shown in above image, Use lable name same exact as in posts either in Lowercase or Uppercase.

19. Sidebar Comments Section:

 Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Comments Section gadget. Example:

To display recent comments on your website, use our shortcode as shown in the above image also you can adjust the number of comments easily.
Note: Use the correct shortocde as shown in above image, Use lable name same exact as in posts either in Lowercase or Uppercase.

20. Footer Social Media:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Footer Section Example:

Here you can add social media icons to display on your blog links of social media display in Footer Section . 18.1). Supported Social Media icons: Social Media icons shortcode = facebook - whatsapp - instagram - pinterest - blogger - reddit - youtube - twitter - linkedin - blogger - google - apple - microsoft - facebook-f - rss - behance - stack-overflow - telegram - tumblr - dribbble - codepen - snapchat - email - github - stumbleupon - vk
Note: here in href replace with your own link of your social media links on your template

21. Footer Pages:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Footer Menu Example:

here you can insert your page's links to show at bottom of the template as shown in the above image
Note: All the Shortcut Codes already installed and provided with template .

22. Footer Copyright:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Footer Copyright Example:

Here you can insert your website footer credit link but only for premium users's free users are not able to remove and edit our website link at the footer.
Note: Only premium users can edit and remove, free users cannot remove our website link.

23. Cookies Consent:

Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Cookies Consent Example:

Cookies consent is an advanced plugin system provided by piki templates where you can set Cookies to expire days so that it will store some bytes of data in users device so that next time when your visitor revisit again to your website it loads faster and gives an enhanced user experience. Use below shortcut code: Change Button Text = #buttons=(Accepted !)
Change Number of days = #days=(20)
Note: Use this shortcode correctly as we provided here, you can adjust cookies expiry's date popup .

24. Turn Blog Feed " Full ":

Open Blogger Dashboard > Tap on Settings then Scroll to Other > Site Feed  Example:

Here by default Blog Site Feed is Always Full (Not Change to its Options) 
Note: Follow the instructions given here to turn on the blog feed in full mode always.

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Community Rules & Guidelines
1: Do not post email-id or any kind of personal information.
2: Do not post your own blog/website links.
3: For Help & Support use the Contact Us form.
*Comments will not be approved if the above rules are not followed!
  1. How to add a contact form in a page as a feedback page?

    1. Please Visit Piki Templates Shortcodes page at right sidebar on this documentation website.

  2. How to remove the background under the feature image

    1. Is there any issue with background image effect, if yes please provide more info.

  3. Replies
    1. When you buy NP-11 theme you will get all 6 versions.

  4. I love this theme but give more options to place ads inside the post so that at least 3 to 4 ads can be shown on long long articles.

    1. Auto ads are best option, also custom shortcodes can be use two times.

  5. Only one or two advertising networks like Adsense give the option of auto ads but other networks do not offer the option to auto, so pikitemplate should be updated after considering this.

    1. Thanks for your advice we implement this feature on personal demand if you need.

  6. Instructions for Default Variables/Comments aren't very clear. Could you please provide with clear instructions so that anybody can set this. No clue in video documentation too.

    1. Please look at top text documentation we mentioned clearly their usage

  7. how to customize template default to advertisement ?

  8. How to change Post text font style and colour ?

    1. Check theme customization section, where you can easily set post title colors. ๐Ÿ˜Š❤️

    2. how to change post text font size and font family

    3. Please visit theme designer section.

  9. Blog showing deceptive pages
    And showing high risk to open blog how to fix this problem

    1. Please share the details by email so that we can help you.

  10. What is cookies page link
    How can i generate it.

  11. Is there a way to totally hide the Top Main Menu?

    1. Yes, we will provide css code to you contact us

  12. My blog is set to Spanish; but the date in the homepage's widgets are shown in English. Is there a way to translate them?

    1. Please share the details by email so that we can help you.

  13. Plase, give me your email address.

    1. Please Click on Below Contact Us Option in footer.

  14. Replies
    1. Please contact us we will provide you a css code to Remove author name and icon.

  15. helooo no response from your contact email. why why why

  16. เคฎुเคे เคฏे เคฅीเคฎ เค–เคฐीเคฆเคจी เคนै เคช्เคฒीเคœ เคกिเคธ्เค•ाเค‰ंเคŸ เค•ोเคก เคช्เคฐोเคตाเค‡เคก เค•เคฐाเค‡เค เค”เคฐ เค•्เคฏा เคนเคฎ เค†เคชเค•ी เคฅीเคฎ เคชเคฐเคšेเคœ เค•เคฐเคจे เค•े เคฌाเคฆ เค•िเคธी เค”เคฐ เค•ो buy เค•เคฐ เคธเค•เคคे เคนै เคฏा เคจเคนीं เคช्เคฒीเคœ เค‡เคธ เคฌाเคฐे เคฎें เค”เคฐ เคœ्เคฏाเคฆा เคฌเคคाเค‡เค thanku๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

  17. How to increase the width of this template ? Please Help me

    1. Please go to theme click on Theme >> Customization >> Select Advance Options.

  18. Free theme pixy featured post section not show plz help me

    1. You can buy premium version to get full features.

  19. i want to change the background colour of Piki Newspaper 11. How can i change?
    I want to theme customise but there was no option (i think?)

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

  20. This is is love all I need is in this theme but when I turn off cookie consent option in layout section a white rectangular box appears in my website and when I turn on cookie consent then box don't appear. What is problem I don't want cookie consent pop-up appear. Solve this issue please

    1. We have fixed this issue, please update your theme into new version.

  21. hello, how can i hide the mobile menu in piki news 11 blogger theme

  22. How to set Dark Mode is default ON

  23. sir, how to activate licence key

    1. Dear customer,

      The licence key is a verification code that you are our premium customer. There is no need to activate it,  the licence key helps you to verify by our team for future support and template updates.

      There is no need to activate or put the licence key anywhere in the template your theme is already ready to use without the Licence key. Thanks for being a part of our premium membership in the blogger community. Request you please do not share this licence key with anybody.

  24. Newspaper 11 theme has a bug for embedding facebook and youtube videos.please fix it in next update.
    (iframe bug for height)

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

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