How to Install a Blogger Template?

Last Updated: December 03, 2024

Installing of Blogger Template Methods.

There are three ways to install a blogger template, let's have a look at each one by one. Let's go over each blogger installation step by step, complete with screenshots, so that everyone can comprehend it without difficulty.

How to upload template in Blogger.

Step 1: Download the Zip Template file and Open it in any Zip Extractor app. After extracting the zip file you receive the template file ends with an extension of .xml like "Quick Spot Template.xml"

Step 2: Open Blogger Dashboard go to Theme > Restore and select the Template file which was extracted by you in your file manager. After that upload the template file to your blogger account.

Step 3: Done, New theme has been Successfully uploaded!

How to install the template manually.

Step 1: Open the template file in any Notepad editor. Then Select all the code by using Ctrl + A and Copy by using Ctrl + C For Mac(apple) Select all code by using Cmd + A and Copy by using Cmd + C

Step 2: After copying the .xml code of the theme, paste the code into Blogger Theme > Edit HTML dashboard.

Step 3: Done, theme XML code has been successfully applied!

How to remove Junk Data from Blogger.

Step 1: In this method, we're going to remove junk data and useless widgets to clean your blog only this will not affect your blogger settings and post data. This method will clean the theme dashboard from Extra Sections, and Layout Widgets which were created by changing templates from different developers.

First of all Download this Blank Template.xml file, after downloading the file Open the Blank Template.xml file in any Notepad Editor. Then Select all the code by using Ctrl + A and Copy by using Ctrl + C For Mac(apple) Select all code by using Cmd + A and Copy by using Cmd + C

Step 2: After copying the .xml code of the Blank theme, paste the code in Blogger Theme > Edit HTML dashboard.


Step 3: Done, Blank theme XML code has been Successfully Applied!
Now refresh your website and you will see that now your blogger website is blank and free from junk data and Useless Widgets.
Now Please Follow Step 2): to install the Main Template.xml file again.

Sharing is Caring, Kindly share this method with your friends circle also so they can also enjoy a clean website interface in Blogger.

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  1. I remove virus and junk from my blogger theme successfully Great article thanks

  2. When i create blogger account there are too many useless gadgets, it hard to remove but above provided method saves my time thanks 😘👌

  3. No Code Available Sir & Can't Downloaded HTML

    1. Thanks @RK Moni, we have fixed download link again. 😝😋

  4. i buyed this template but its not showing box version please help

  5. This code not working in my template
    Template name limitations
    And please tell me I have one extra gadget for AdSense but I can't use this gadget and also I can't delete this

    Please help

    1. Blank theme code works fine, please copy .xml code then paste in your blog.

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  8. Thankyou Jan Doe for this really helpful . Thankyou very much

  9. Sir i buy This template. I wannt to updated version. Please help me sir

    1. Go to Gumroad >> Library, after that your purchased item will be there.

      You can also follow the steps from here:

  10. I recently purchase this tempalate but Header ads Place are not available in this tamplete.

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

  11. Why my blog doesn't show the comment area? How can i fix it? I bought the piki jokes theme, please help me!

    1. Please check blogger setting and blogger post dashboard, either you have allowed comments along with its visibility.

  12. Yeah this information is in human tone and any one can set it, " in one word " very easy to apply on blogspot theme looking like fast #AdSense_approval "theme"
    And I am doing comment for all of u up_coming new_be for one memories that I m first from you , whenever you think for do comment. just joke 😂

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    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

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  15. sir i am sufferring slow website speed and image quility tried many more but my image error is not going with galaxy would you help me to clear errors from my present i am using a free virsion and i was decided to get premium but i am facing slow speed problem and many more like thumbnail error etc. just i want to know could you help me if i am purchasing i have defferent sizes of thumbnail but my error is still there.

    1. Dear, sir we have update the theme, download new version and instal it on your blogger website you all issue will be resolved automatically. You can also contact to our team.

  16. When I posted long table in post then, only one post shows in my website main it bud?

    1. Please share your website link with us so that we can the issue?

  17. How can i host this website in cpanel or sth without blogger

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