New Shortcodes V.2.0.0 for Post and Pages!

To utilize our latest Shortcodes in your template and create more convenient tools for your website, simply follow the steps below. These convenient codes can be implemented in premium templates only, and you don't need any coding or HTML knowledge to use them. It's the easiest way to install them in any required posts and pages.
For Old Shortcodes V.1.0.0 Visit here

Table of Content

Go to Post/Page and type the shortcode (toc). After typing make it strike like below Example:
flexible shortcodes

Shortcode: (toc)
Shortcode Example: (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Demo Example:
flexible shortcodes

You can change and setup the title for "Table of Content" in your post.
By default (toc) display title automatically, while #title=(Table of Content) is an optional feature.
Note: This Shortcode only works if you have added H2, H3, H4 tags in your post.

Heading Tags

To setup H2, H3, H4 Tags follow the procedure Example of H1, H2, H3, H4 Tags:
flexible shortcodes

Adding Drop Caps

Go to Post/Page and type the shortcode select the word type (caps). After typing make it strike like below Example:
flexible shortcodes

Shortcode: (caps)
Shortcode Example: L(caps)orem Demo Example:
flexible shortcodes

This shortcode can be use in paragarph of the articles.

Multiple Buttons

Go to Post/Page and use Multiple buttons in your posts easily with the help of shortcode.

Default Button


Normal Button Shortcode Example: (getButton) #text=(My Button) #icon=(demo)
Large Button Shortcode Example: (getButton) #text=(My Button) #icon=(demo) #size=(1)

Customize Button text and link easily with help of this shortcode to utilize in blogger posts.
Note: To make buttons at center alignment Apply Top Post Editor "Alignment Center" tool bar to set buttons shortcode at center.

Icons Button


Shortcode Example: (getButton) #text=(My Button) #icon=(demo)
Supported Icons Shortcode: demo, download, buy, link, cart, share, info

Customize Button text, link along with icons easily with help of this shortcode, this blogger template supports multiple types of icons to utilize in blogger posts.

Color Button


Shortcode Example: (getButton) #text=(My Button) #icon=(demo) #color=(#ff000)
Customize Button text, link, icon along with color easily with help of this shortcode, this blogger template supports custom color option buttons to utilize in blogger posts.
Note: To get colors code you can Visit here just click copy color code and use on your shortcode.

Demo Example:
flexible shortcodes

Contact Form

Go to Post/Page and type (contact-form) as shown below image. After typing make it strike like below Example:
flexible shortcodes

Shortcode: (contact-form)

This shortcode can be used to create contact us form easily in Posts and Pages.

Demo Example:
flexible shortcodes

Post Shortcodes

Go to Post/Page and use Post Shortcodes in your posts easily to adjust the sidebar alignments.

Left Sidebar


Shortcode Example: (left-sidebar)

Customize the left sidebar easily with help of this shortcode to utilize in blogger website.

Right Sidebar


Shortcode Example: (right-sidebar)

Customize the right sidebar easily with help of this shortcode to utilize in blogger website.

Full Width


Shortcode Example: (full-width)

Customize the full-width easily with help of this shortcode to utilize in blogger website.

Alert Message

Go to Post/Page and use Alert Message in your posts easily to create a beautiful boxes. Example:

Shortcode Example: (alert-success)

Customize the alert success message easily with help of this shortcode to utilize in blogger website.

Supported Shortcode Example: (alert-success), (alert-passed), (alert-warning), (alert-error), (code-box)
Demo Example:

Post a Comment

Community Rules & Guidelines
1: Do not post email-id or any kind of personal information.
2: Do not post your own blog/website links.
3: For Help & Support use the Contact Us form.
*Comments will not be approved if the above rules are not followed!
  1. Replies
    1. You have to use new themes for these shortcode

  2. Good job. Day by day you are getting expert and professional. Thanks a lot.

  3. Great Sir! You are being best Theme developers. Thanks for Best blogger templates.

  4. How can i use these codes in those templates other than pikitemplates

    1. Not possible, there shortcodes only available in Piki Templates

    2. Every template have them unique short code. which template you use ?

    3. no sir, all themes have same shortcode, with two version 1.0.0 and 2.0.0

  5. How to add wrong icon (x) In the post. Or what is the short code for adding only icon in the post

    1. At top of documentation we provide FontAwesome website link just visit and search for cross icon you will find easily, copy the code use any where. 😊

  6. Sir you are the best developer I haven't seen any like you and your dev. Team, your all theme have almost all useful shortcut but if you can add table sc for creating it it will be miracle for me

    1. Thanks very much your kind words, it melts my heart with love ❤️😊 Please could explain which type table you want?

  7. Hi I am unable to use (code-box) feature on blogger website. Can anyone explain me about this?

    1. Oh Really! 😥 Please reach us immediately we will help you

  8. Thank you for your reply, I need tables like excel, for add specifications for product like smartphone, tv. I vest lots of time to create a table by XML codes, I'm humble requesting to you please add a short code if possible,

  9. Hi! Is there a way to show the most popular posts in widgets and not random or recent?

    1. Yes, sure we will already provide that feature in our latest templates at top featured posts section.

  10. What do I need to write? features/popular?

    1. Just check the documentation of particular theme, weather it supports Popular Posts Feature or not?

  11. The Pixonic template has Featured, but I am not sure if blogger sees the "Featured" written or popular, that's why I asked. I expected a serious treatment as I bought a premium template with a support. Your answer is no answer at all. I am very disappointed...

    1. Dear Customer, Pixonic template support features/popular type thing that you demanded. ❤️😍

  12. I'm FlexSpot Template (Free Version). This template is runs perfectly and smoothly but in Post Page Author Profile Box not shown. I tried too much to show box...

    1. May be you edited the template but no problem please share your website link on whatsapp or our facebook page or email.

  13. i'm unable to add alert message in movie hut theme

  14. No puedo usar los codigos para la plantilla appiki

    1. Por favor revise la documentación cuidadosamente

  15. The thing is that I got the Speed Light blogger theme...

    And when setting it up, I have set up different categories on the main many and I made them be taken to their various pages when a user clicks on them. But now my problem is the posts I make don't go to the categories I created.

    So is there a way to link everything, so they can all be connected?

  16. i am not able to use button shortcut pelease explain it in detaile

    1. It's very easy bro just follow short code 2.0 if it's not working then use 1.0 Shortcode.

  17. Why is the alert message icon not working on all experiments, but it appears in the post?

    1. Please send us the template name and your website link on contact us page

  18. Please Sir Give me Version 5 shortcode

    1. We support only V2.0.0 Shortcode not Version 5

  19. Can you please add discord in social media icons .

  20. add some more features for best response like: Drops Hide and Show etc.

  21. Hi,, How to get table of content like this page?

  22. Content social Lock needed

  23. HI admin. How do I know which templates used Table of Contents V1 or V2?

    1. Its very easy just go to demo blog of that template, and click on Shortcode Option in Menu.

  24. Replies
    1. Please share the details by email so that we can help you.

  25. There is a slight error in the Arabic version of Seo Spot. Allow me to contact you to clarify this simple error

    1. Please share the details by email so that we can help you.

  26. i want to add products cost where i can add please help

  27. Hello admin.
    I have looked through many templates but it seems that the blog templates all use Shortcodes version V.1.0.0. What are the conditions for using Shortcodes version V.2.0.0?
    And do you think it is better to design the comment section to appear at the same time with two comment tabs from Blogger and Facebook instead of only displaying one of the two as currently?

    1. Our all older templates support Shortcode V.1.0.0 and New Latest Themes Support Shortcode V.2.0.0. and for Comments we make one at a time for speed and optimization purpose.

  28. bonjour , j'arrive pas a mettre le message de succes ça marche pas sur mon templates de flex

    1. Veuillez vérifier attentivement le shortcode si le problème persiste, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter

  29. Replies
    1. There are various websites available to use tables.

  30. Codes are not Working on my website.

    1. Please share the details by email so that we can help you.

  31. Alert Message is not working. I contacted in whatsapp also but no one is helping properly. Now say what can i do? Only they are saying read shortcode v1.0.0 or v2.0.0. I have already read everything 10 times. Still not working. Now what is the benefit of premium template. No one is supporting correctly.

    1. Please share the website details by email so that we can help you.

  32. Why is the blockquote not working after paragraph, but it appears in the post?

    1. Share your website link with us, so that we can look into the matter.

  33. I accidentally erased my sitemap, and i cant find how to make a page in this template, can you help me to fix both problems please?

    1. Dear customer you can you can create site map with help of our tool and for creating pages please go to page section in blogger

  34. Replies
    1. Please visit the bottom of this page, then at footer click on create html or xml sitemap that you want.

  35. Replies
    1. Login plugin button is not possible in Blogger sir!

  36. It would have been good if you had given a hover option.

  37. how to add post card and what is the use of post card

    1. To shows posts between posts and check documentation steps how to setup post cards

  38. I'm didn't find getCard code from above as you've shown in yt video tutorial.
    (getCard) #type=(download) #title=(My File) #info=(6.8MB) #button=(download)

    This isn't working for me. Pls help

  39. kindly add a feature of changing post details of other posts, in getpost short code

    1. Sure, we will roll out this feature in next update.

  40. Hey I tried to use Color & Icons Buttons and other short codes. Its not working. Please help.

    1. Dear Customer, Please Contact us using below contact us options. So that we can help you.

  41. In the code-box you can see the copy option in the image, but when the code is implemented, the copy option does not appear. How to solve?

    1. Due to some issues, we remove copy button from now.

  42. Does free version Support Adsense Approval?

    1. Yes sir, free themes provide adsense approval.

  43. Hi how are things?. Is it possible to add a timer to a download button? To give the web time to load the ads.

  44. Since this is an app share theme template, I think there should be a button shortcut with the Google Play Store icon.

  45. Hi, please give me a shortcode to lazyload a youtube video. (Grid mag template)

  46. how can i but in the bost (You may also like...)

  47. Hi I have a question to ask, I am Using MASTER theme free version from you guys but I am facing a problem that I wanted to setup my website same like you have presented it in your theme but I did not find much options in the layout to edit like that

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

  48. I would appreciate it if you added the post split and post cards shortscode

  49. hello sir.. I use this premium theme. But its theme very solw. and some widgets not show. why.?

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

  50. I am using citron premium template but unable to use post type card for desired post. Whenever I am using post type card and not giving anything in the link ( only # , /) then all the time it is showing only one post which is of no use. Please help

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

  51. Hi there, I would recommend to add "clickable option" behind "Labels" so that any visitor click on a label (especiall from home page), so that click could lead to "label" page like "category", and all post under taht label will be visible.

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

  52. It's my favourite tem very good quality 1000% high quality temple

  53. I've had a logo problem for three days, in the header, I sent them evidence and they still haven't responded to me, I urgently need to solve this. My logo appears next to the title of my blog, I have already configured it so that the logo is replaced by the title and the description and I always get the same thing, I have tried installing the template on a new blog and the same thing always comes out, but if I use The template that is free doesn't give me that error, I hope you can help me soon.

    Another point, the language I use is Spanish and the configuration of my blog is in Spanish but the template always appears in English.

    1. Yes, we can help you, please share your website link through our contact us page.

  54. Please make short codes for page-breaks and YouTube video responsive.

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