Documentation of Piki Salon

Piki Salon blogger template

Piki Salon Documentation with each step explained in detail Easy installation without any trouble follow below documentation and install this pretty professional template. The widgets gadgets images have been attached properly where red tic mark for better understanding easily

We hope this might help you !

Here is a detailed Documentation of Piki Salon - Template 
Read Carefully to Install all Gadgets on Your Website 

Admin Control Panel :-
 To edit or handle the blog posts, comments system, no. of posts, fixed menu, facebook sdk plugin , etc. These Options Can be Controlled from Layout in Blogger Dashboard.

Facebook Sdk (Plugin) :- here you can use this gadget to install facebook comment box and facebook page in sidebar. For More Click Here.

Below in details All Important steps Provided for setup

Default Variables :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Default Variables gadget.

Here you can set DisqusShortname, Fixed Sidebar, Fixed Menu, CommentSystem just put the true or false for Fixed positions like Menu or Sidebar 
in Comment System we Support 3 Comments Plugin Facebook, Disqus, Default Blogger
Use below shortcut code 
commentsSystem = facebook or disqus or blogger
Note:- Many Users Facing Problem adding Disqus Comment Box make sure you have added website link and created profile shortname in Disqus.

Top Pages Gadget :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Top Pages Section gadget.

Here you can change Top Pages Links which show at top of Template and also in Mobile view these pages automatically shows under Mobile Slider Menu. You can edit and replace links from here as per your requirements

Top Social Gadget :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Top Social Section gadget.

Here you can add a social media link in your topbar by using shortcut code in LinkList Gadget as shown in the above image. Remember these social media icons automatically shows into Mobile Menu Slider.  
Social Icons :- This template support various social icons like facebook, whatsapp, instagram, pinterest, blogger, reddit, youtube, linkedin, twitter etc.

All the Features are Designed in this template you can use on your blog

Main Logo :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Main Logo (Header) gadget.

Here you can change your blog main logo click on remove and upload your new logo in your website. and try to compress your logo (various online image png compression tools available) compression can helps you to boost up your website speed.
Note:- Use optimised image in your head logo to enhance website speed .

Main Menu :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Main Menu gadget.

All the main menu items can be edit and can be changed properly above the image is provided you to understand properly.
To Create Mega Menu use Code

1:- For Recent Posts in Mega Menu 

Use Shortcut Code :-

Happy Life 
(in First Box)
megamenu/recent (in Second Box)

2 :- For Label Posts in Mega Menu

Use Shortcut Code :-

Happy Life 
(in First Box)
megamenu/Happy Life (in Second Box)

Make Sure Use megamenu/Happy Life in 2nd Box. where Happy Life is a Example Label

To Create submenu use one underscore tab ( _submenu)
To Create more merging submenu use double underscore tab ( __submenu)
Note:- Use shortcut code correctly to make working menu functions .

Blog Pannel :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Blog Pannel (section) gadget.

here you can change the link, title along with a caption. An image can be uploaded from this gadget easily We always recommend try to use png images for better results and look

Feature Posts :
 Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Feature Posts (section) gadget.

Here you can use this section to display Responsive Mega Grid Posts with  both label and Recent Shortcut Code

For Mega Grid Recent Posts :-

Use this Shortcut Code


For Mega Grid Label Posts :- 
Use this Shortcut Code

megagrid/Your Label

Just Put label = recent or label = Happy Life to display Featured Posts
and type of shortcode is type= megagrid

Here you can use this section to display Responsive Mega Grid Posts with  both label and Recent Shortcut Code

Note:- All the Shortcut Codes Already installed and Provided with Template .

Blog Pannel :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Blog Pannel (section) gadget.

here you can change the link, title along with a caption. An image can be uploaded from this gadget easily We always recommend try to use png images for better results and look

Inside Posts Ads :-
 Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Top / Bottom Posts Ad (section) gadget.

here you can use this gadget to implement your ads in your posts section only. This Gadget shows in posts top and bottom area as per your requirements Also below you can the Shortcode to show ad in a specific area of the post paragraph so that on invalid click activity you can just turn off this Posts Top Ads section and all ads from inside posts automatically turned off   

Post Paragraph Ads :- Open Post > then Choose area in Post > and paste ShortCode.

Use the Shortcode :- (ads1) 

Note:- Use this Shortcut Code to display Custom ads from Top Section ad Gadgets to display in Posts Paragraph Remember this code only works if Top Posts Posts ad code and Bottom Posts ad code Section Added (make a strike on shortcode to work as below screenshot)

Post Author Social icons :- Open Blogger Setting > then Choose Edit Blogger Profile > and paste ShortCode.

After editing, Blogger Author Profile follow the below instructions provided in the screenshot 

Here use the below shortcut code to display social media icons here

HTML Code :- <a href="Your Link Here">Icon Name</a>

HTML Example :- <a href="">instagram</a>

Social Icons :- This template support various social icons like facebook, whatsapp, instagram, pinterest, blogger, reddit, youtube, linkedin, twitter etc.

Facebook Page Plugin :- Open Layout > then click on Add a Gadget HTML/Javascript  > in Sidebar Section.

Add this Short code :

<div class="fb-page" data-href="YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE URL" data-width="500" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true"></div>

Note :- here in data-href Replace with your own link of your facebook page so install Facebook page on your template

Remember : This Facebook plugin works only if for both Facebook Page and Facebook Comment Box  You have Installed below facebook sdk code in admin section follow below steps provided here

Facebook Comment Plugin :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon   > in Facebook SDK (Plugin)  > in Admin Section.

here you can add Facebook SDK Code to Show Facebook Comments in Template Also Turn of Facebook Comment System From Default Variables as shown in First Admin Section at top of documentation. Copy Code from below box and paste in Admin Section of Facebook Plugin gadget.

Facebook SDK en_US :

Note :- Only this Sdk Code Shows both facebook page in sidebar and facebook comment box as you want to set on your blog

Author Pannel :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Blog Pannel (section) gadget.

here you can change the link, title along with a caption. An image can be uploaded from this gadget easily We always recommend try to use png images for better results and look

Sidebar Section :-
 Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Social Widget (section) gadget.

Here you can add a social media link in your sidebar by using shortcut code in LinkList Gadget as shown in the above image
Social Icons :- This template support various social icons like facebook, whatsapp, instagram, pinterest, blogger, reddit, youtube, linkedin, twitter etc.

Other Sidebar Gadgets :- Open Layout > then Click on Edit Icon > and Select or Add a Gadget like Popular Posts, Follow by Email, LinkList, BlogSearch, Contact Form etc.

All the Features are Designed in this template you can use on your blog

Footer Section:- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Footer (section) gadget.

here you can change address information along with fontawesome icons follow the below link to get icons code for your blog

Footer Social Media :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Footer Section

Here you can add social media icons to display on your blog links of social media display in Footer Section

Social Icons :- This template support various social icons like facebook, whatsapp, instagram, pinterest, blogger, reddit, youtube, linkedin, twitter etc.

Footer Pages :- Open Layout > then click on Edit Icon > in the Footer Menu

here you can insert your pages links to show at bottom of the template as shown in above image

Turn Blog Feed " Full " :- Open Blogger Dashboard > Tap on Settings then Scroll to Other > Site Feed 

here by default Blog Site Feed is Always Full (Not Change to its Options) 
Note:- Follow the instructions given here to turn on blog feed in full mode always.

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Piki Templates